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National Virtual Event| ESOP Corporate Governance, A View From Different Angles
Thursday, April 18, 2024, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM EST
Category: National

ESOP Corporate Governance | A View From Different Angles


The session is a joint presentation between the PDA and the NCEO which has formed a relationship to help ESOP companies develop effective corporate governance. The goal of the session is to highlight some key corporate governance issues that ESOP Boards / Companies may face when setting up a new board or adding members to an existing board. We plan to cover various topics ranging from board formation & agendas to interaction with financial advisor & trustee. The session is intended for companies considering an ESOP as a transition alternative, or newly formed ESOPs looking to develop a board and existing ESOPs looking to add new board members. We hope to highlight the role that a board should have in creating shareholder value and resources that are available to help existing and prospective ESOP companies in creating a board.


$00 Member Registration Fee
$30 Non-Member Registration Fee


The Zoom link will be sent the day before the webinar

Thank you to our National Sponsors!



Loren Rodgers
Executive Director
National Center for Employee Ownership

I am the executive director at the National Center for Employee Ownership, taking the place of Corey Rosen, the NCEO's co-founder and executive director since 1981. Until April 2011 I was a project director. My entire professional career is in the field of employee ownership. Before the NCEO, I worked as a management consultant for 10 years at Ownership Associates and in both jobs I have been an active writer in applied and academic publications, a frequent speaker, and a researcher. I have consulted with all types of employee ownership companies. 


Steve Ryan
Sr. Vice President
GreatBanc Trust Company

Steve serves as a Senior Vice President in the Client Services group at Greatbanc, focusing on 
managing client relationships and ESOP transactions. Throughout his career, he has acted as a trusted advisor to many privately-held companies to assist them in growth initiatives, business transitions and liquidity events. Steve has helped business owners transition their business via either an internal transition (ESOP/MBO/ Family) or external (strategic/PE/ Family Office). He has over 25 years of new business and capital raising experience with clients throughout the country. Prior to joining Greatbanc, Steve has led commercial banking teams and worked in investment banking that interacts with business owners and C-level executives of private and public companies.

Steve frequently presents publicly on a variety of topics including board governance, ownership transition alternatives, financing ESOPs & capital allocation in a wide variety of venues including the National Center for Employee Ownership (NCEO), The ESOP Association & The Private Directors Assoc. Steve is a Board Member on S7 an ESOP Company located in Idaho (Audit & Compensation Chair) & the Missouri Center for Employee Ownership (Treasurer). He also Chairs the National ESOP Committee for the Private Directors Association.

In addition, he is a Board member of the Indian Boundary Y.M.C.A & former board member of the Snow City Arts organization where he served as a treasurer. 


Tracy Till
Co-Founder, Former Chair/Vice-Chair of Butler/Till
Independent Board Member, ESOP
Board Member, EOX
Member, PDA
Member, NCEO

Innovative & visionary business professional who believes a firms Board of Directors will make or break your business growth and evolution. Board governance matters. A future-proofed strategic plan matters. Independent board directors (who are well-vetted and aligned to that strategic plan or CEO leadership needs) matters.

Experienced Board Member, Chairman/Vice Chair/Nominating Committee Chair - Governance, Audit, Compensation, Strategic Planning, Talent, Technology, Culture - versed in ESG, enterprise-wide Risk Management and Cybersecurity. Unique skillset in ESOP governance & financial oversight, as well as Crisis Management.

Former founder & co-CEO of nationally recognized Media & Communications firm, working with national/regional brands across numerous industries.  



Leah Turnbull
Head BMO ESOP Advisory Group
Atlanta, GA

Leah Turnbull is a Managing Director and the National ESOP Practice Lead within BMO Corporate Advisory. She is dedicated to advising Boards of Directors and C-level executives on corporate finance topics such as ESOPs, dividend recaps, acquisition strategies, share repurchases, and valuation perspectives. Leah has over 15 years of experience assisting businesses with ownership transition and navigating complex structuring issues. 

Leah started her career at Duff & Phelps in their investment banking group and executed sell-side and buy-side M&A advisory, fairness opinions, solvency opinions, and board consultation. After Duff & Phelps, Leah went to Principal Financial Group and was part of their ESOP consulting practice. At Principal, Leah focused on financial analysis for ESOPs including repurchase obligation studies and feasibility studies. Most recently, Leah worked at J.P. Morgan in their ESOP Advisory Group, assisting clients and prospects throughout the lifecycle of an ESOP. 

Leah is on the Board of Directors for Elevate, a nonprofit organization based in Chicago focused on clean and affordable energy.

Leah has a B.S. in Finance from the University of Louisville. Leah is FINRA certified investment banking representative. She sits on the Advisory Committee of ESCA, is a member of the Finance Advisory Committee for The ESOP Association, and an active member of NCEO. 
