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Chicago In-Person Event | New Member Breakfast
PNC Centre
1 North Franklin St., 27th Floor (Millenium Park Room)
Chicago, IL 60606
Thursday, April 11, 2024, 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM CST
Category: Chicago

Chicago Chapter New Member Breakfast


Chicago Chapter Members that joined in the past 6 months are invited to attend the New Member Breakfast, which will be held in-person on Thursday, April 11th, from 8:00-9:30 am Central Time. This event is simply an opportunity to mix and mingle with other new members, as well as have a platform for asking any questions that you might have as a new member, such as what committees you can be a part of, what events happen regularly, and more. Please note that this event is limited to the first 20 registrants, so don’t delay!


Please note that this is an in-person-only event. Registration is required. Space is limited.


Thank you to our National Sponsors!

Thank you to our Chapter Sponsors!







Thank you to our Event Sponsor!