Cybersecurity Board Training at Blue Team Con
Friday, September 06, 2024, 8:15 AM - 5:00 PM CDT
Category: Cyber Security
Cybersecurity Board Training at Blue Team Con
The Private Directors Association is proud to present the PDA Cybersecurity Board Governance Training, designed in collaboration with experts in the PDA Cybersecurity Committee. The all-day training targets directors of company boards but also those who aspire to become one and prepares them for participation in the board of the future with greater understanding, support, and governance of cybersecurity practices, privacy, and technology in private companies. The training will provide an opportunity to empower the participant with a firm grounding in cybersecurity, privacy, and technology at the board level, and a cohort of experts and peers with which to network. The instructors have been curated from leading organizations and range from enterprise CISOs to top consultants in the industry to seasoned board members who have helped define the board cybersecurity role.
SEC regulations now require that an attestation of cybersecurity skills on public boards be made on annual 10Ks. While this does not legally affect private boards, PDA considers cybersecurity skills to be a requirement, and that all board members receive basic cybersecurity training. Leading organizations do not wait for regulation to lead them, and neither should their boards!
PDA has designed its education specifically for private boards, leveraging their unique experiences and identifying their particular responsibilities. Applicable knowledge and resources for private boards have been directly sought out and provided.
Upon successful completion of the course, a certificate will be issued. Continuing education credit may also be available;contact your professional organization for submission details.
This year’s training includes pre-study materials, Cybersecurity Fundamentals, Board Responsibilities, Compliance and Reporting, CISO Board Exercise, Incident Response Exercise, and Risk Management Interactive. Our trainers are Matt DeChant, Alyssa Miller, and John Barker, with opening remarks by Robert Barr and Stel Valavanis.
PDA members also receive a special discount. Please click here if you’re not currently a PDA member and are interested in learning more about how PDA can benefit you.
Fairmont Hotel 200 North Columbus Drive, Chicago, IL 60601
Various lots are available in the area.
To register, please follow these steps:
- PDA members receive a $160 discount. If you are a member or would like to join, please email [email protected] for the discount code.
- Click here to register.
- Click on “Get tickets”. If you received a promo code from PDA, enter it at the top of the window. The PDA Cybersecurity Board Governance Training item (3rd down) will show the discounted price.
- Choose ticket quantity, click “Check out” and complete the transaction.
- You will receive email confirmation and further instructions.