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National Virtual Event | Building Your Future Through Succession Planning & Execution
Thursday, June 20, 2024, 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM PST
Category: National

Building Your Future Through Succession Planning & Execution


Any company needs to develop bench strength at the executive level, but privately held companies have unique challenges when succession planning. Whether you run a family business, an ESOP, a startup, or a private equity-held company, building a long-term future for a private company requires succession planning and steady execution. 

This program will help board members, company leaders, and owners see a clear path to plan and execute their succession plans. 


This program will explore five essential takeaways about private company succession planning and execution.

  1. How to start the succession planning process.
  2. Six stages to ensure your success in succession planning and execution.
  3. Practical solutions to your private company succession challenges.
  4. How boards can help private company owners through their succession journey.
  5. Lessons learned from owners and board members who are navigating succession.

The program will be conversational including various points of view.


$00 Member Registration Fee
$30 Non-Member Registration Fee


Thank you to our National Sponsors!




Bradley “Brad” Franc
Succession Planning Expert | Best-Selling Author | Board Member

Attorney Brad Franc is the creator of The Succession Solution and the author of the best-selling book The Succession Solution: The Strategic Guide to Business Transition. For over thirty years, Brad has led hundreds of clients through The Succession Solution.

Brad has formed four separate companies, two of which have been named nine separate times by INC Magazine as the fastest-growing companies in the United States. 

Brad is also a sought-after speaker. He has been featured on Bloomberg television, Sirius Radio, the Young Presidents Organization, and other local radio shows, television programs, and podcasts. He has also been written about and published in Forbes, Fox News, U.S. News & World Report, and the United States Supreme Court.


Alfred Roy “Roy” Kern, Jr
President and CEO | Equipment Corporation of America

Roy’s passion for the construction industry gives him deep satisfaction when he sees infrastructure projects in which he was instrumental in building. He is the third-generation leader of Equipment Corporation of America (ECA), a 105-year-old family business. 

ECA has been a leading supplier of foundation construction equipment for more than a century. ECA offers sales, rentals, service, parts, and training from 11 facilities throughout the Eastern U.S. and all Canadian Provinces. 

Roy looks forward to passing the thriving business on to the fourth generation within 5-10 years through their succession planning and execution process and can share an in-the-trenches perspective.


Curt Marsh
Board Chair | Shareholder. Officer. General Manager – Pittsburgh Air Systems/Air Industrial

Curt is a forty-year expert in HVAC manufacturing and distribution. From 1991 to 2023, he led Pittsburgh Air Systems/Air Industrial, Inc. as General Manager, shareholder, and officer. In 2023, he became Chairman of the Board. 

Under Curts’ leadership, the company became an ESOP in 2020. The employee share value increased over 500% from 2020 to 2022 and is performing at a consistent upward trend year over year. He will share how succession planning has become a key success factor for his ESOP. 

Pittsburgh Air Systems / Air Industrial is a leading commercial and HVAC manufacturer’s representative and distributor in the Western Pennsylvania Market. The company has 35 Team members who provide products and solutions for HVAC sheet metal, heating and cooling, controls, and industrial applications. 



Karen K Mildenhall
Pres/CEO |Board Member | Director to Watch 2024


Karen K. Mildenhall is a seasoned board director, business owner, and corporate executive renowned for driving sustained transformative change. Karen’s expertise in turnaround, operations, risk management, growth, mergers & acquisitions, P&L ownership, and strategic insights consistently yield rapid and focused results. 

Private Company Board magazine named Karen as a Director to Watch 2024. 

With over two decades of board experience, Karen has served as chair and vice-chair and on key committees such as Nominations/Governance, Audit/Risk, and CEO Evaluation. 

Her impactful career includes advising approximately 100 public and private boards across diverse industries.


Contact: [email protected]