Part 2
In Part 1 we noted the distinction between a Strategy and a Plan and provided some backdrop for the development of a Strategy. We noted that there is a necessary exercise to know the company- why does it exist, what does it really do, what are the opportunities (and the risks) that surround the business, and no less important, what are the risks to the Strategy?
Here, we will now ask the existential question, “what will the company be when it grows up?” and lay out some of the actions that can help answer that question. Reminding ourselves that the Board has a duty to make certain the company has a Strategy, Management has the responsibility of developing the Strategy and ensuring the Board agrees with and will support the Strategy. Management, then, has the further responsibility of developing the Plan to implement the Strategy, and the Board has the oversight role to consider if the Plan is feasible, supportable, and acceptable within known constraints and will deliver on the Strategy- reaching the waypoints earlier described. Management has the enduring responsibility of making that test before the Board does, and to develop and implement any corrective actions needed to maintain the trajectory of the Plan.