The Private Directors Association Board Director Committee is pleased to partner with private companies nationwide to evolve their governance. Our thought leadership materials provide complimentary insights to private company leaders, owners, and board members.
When private companies are ready to build, refresh or grow their boards, we also offer a complimentary, non-exclusive posting service. This provides private companies across all ownership models with access to highly qualified candidates from PDA’s nationwide membership for their fiduciary or advisory board roles. PDA membership is not required for companies to use the posting service and posting may be done quickly and confidentially.
If you would like to post a board or advisor position, please complete the form linked below. Please note board compensation is required.
As part of their membership, Private Directors Association Members regularly receive opportunities to announce Fiduciary and Advisory Board Director Positions, such as those listed below. Qualified PDA members are invited to apply.
Complete board director position descriptions are available to PDA members only and should not be forwarded to other people or organizations. If you are not yet a PDA member, please consider joining.
Visit our Thought Leadership Materials here.